radical rebirth

radical rebirth

It’s been said time and time again but life is short. The prospect of it ending one day without becoming the person you dream of being is a sad one.

We’ve all listened to our elders recount their lives. One thing almost all of them say is that if they regret anything it is the things they didn’t do, what they did not have the courage to pursue.

Learning a new language and travelling, moving across the country to pursue their dream career, prioritising their health and a body they desperately longed for. Usually this was out of fear of judgement, social pressures or other external forces discouraging them.

Our next event will give you the courage and determination to start making the changes you need to become your truest self. It’s time to experience a
Radical Rebirth. 

Past events


A guided three-part musical experience at Kindred, exploring belief, reality, and change, featuring artists Jaixia, Cleeshay, and Lucy DK, and led by spiritual guide Rafie Faruq.

radical release ritual

A full moon gathering at Love Shack for meditation, breathwork, tarot, poetry, and DJs, marking the release of founder Lucy DK’s single Bye to My Last White Boy and focused around the theme of letting go.

radical romance day

A Valentine’s Day reimagined, where we set intentions for love, wrote romantic letters to our future selves, and celebrated all the love in our lives.

Limited offer!

radical hotties 001

A South London house party with poetry, freestyle music, and late-night conversations under the stars.